RECIPE: Mustard Grilled Prawns & Moroccan Grilled Fish ( Croaker Drum / Mushka )

Karachi has a lovely weather these days especially the nights. A little windy, absolutely no heat infact a little cold at some nights. The last sunday was one of those, and i had planned a little seafood bbq at my home. Wanted to share the pics and recipes i hope you all like it.


Ingredients :

1/2 Cup prepared mustard

1/2 Cup Water

2 Tablespoon Sugar

2 Table Spoon Sundip White vinegar

2 Table Spoon Horse radish Sauce, you can also use fresh ginger instead. about 4 chopped slices.

1 Kg Fresh Large prawns, not jumbo prawns.



  1. Combine the mustard, water, sugar, vinegar and horseradish
  2. Add shrimp to the mixture and chill several hours stirring frequently. Keep refrigerated.
  3. Drain the shrimp, reserving the marinade.
  4. Grill over medium coals, 3 – 4 minutes each side. Use the marinade while grilling. put on both sides for rich flavour of mustard.


Eat while hot, do not cook too much, the shrimp should not get dry and rubbery. Do not remove shells. Grill while the shell is still intact.

MOROCCAN GRILLED FISH (Croaker Drum / Mushka)

Ingredients :

4 pcs about 1 Kg in total. 250gms each fish.

200gms Chatkhaar Moroccan Harissa ( buy online at )



Clean the insides of the fish. Mildly Slit the fish on the belly. 3-4 slits each side.

Rub Moroccan Harissa Sauce all over the fish and leave to marinade for about 6 hours.

Evenly Grill fish on both sides. Keep brushing and oiling while grilling. This will make the skin crispier hence giving the right flavour intact.



Sakura. but not for sushi this time.

Many a times, we have heard about Sakura and how great the food is, how wonderful the ambiance is, and how expensive your check will be. Well its true. Its all true, but have we ever thought, every good thing has a price and my visit tonight, i feel everything above is justified.

I have often observed people discuss sushi and Sakura together. Sakura, the very well set Japanese cuisine restaurant located inside the Pearl Continental hotel Karachi offers great food, good ambiance and excellent service. Booked a table for 3, me, wife and our son (4 years). Our reservation was for 8PM and we arrived around 830. We were given a good table next to a window with a beautiful view of the city of lights. Chic purple interior, neat clean tables, well set, chairs with arm rests i think i just wanted to be seated quickly.

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We have been regular visitors of Sakura for almost 8 years now but this time our order was different. We wanted to avoid sushi and thought why not try something different today.

Our order Crispy California rolls, Prawn Tempura, Beef Teriyaki, Garlic rice and Prawn Teppanyaki.

We were instantly served with warm green tea.

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Excited to wait for our order, i noticed the restaurant was not too crowded and provided a great enviornment for a peaceful dinner. Minutes later the California rolls arrived. Topped with teriyaki sauce, crispy batter, these soft rice rolls are heaven. An ideal combination for your palate in every bite. All the textures in one place. The crispy batter, combined with the sauce and the soft rice it really felt great. Top it up with the chilli sauce and wasabi paste and there you go. I can have it all night and still feel light on the digestion. After every roll, clear your palate with the pink baby ginger pickles in vinegar and a bit of sweetness and take the other bite of another roll. Just Delectable !

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The prawn tempura is an all time favorite. It comes with a special soy sauce, not too salty and balanced on the flavor over all. Crispy batter outside, soft prawn inside, cooked to perfection every bite of this treat was just exquisitely excellent.

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The beef Teriyaki oh how much i love this and to top my expectations, it was perfectly cooked. The right amount of sauce, and the right portions of beef, cut marinated and cooked in teriyaki sauce. Mouthwatering and very well complemented with the garlic rice we had ordered. I, however did not like the plating too much. It had a slice of tomato and a cucumber, with that cheap shredded cauliflower topped with mayonnaise.

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I was not very impressed with the Prawn Teppanyaki. Just lacked flavour. Its Wok fried with vegetables, and it was too oily for me. skimmed the prawns out of it. This was the best i could manage.

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The total bill was Rs.8000 which i believe was not bad for 2 and half people. For an experience like this i would pay this price anytime.

Conclusion, yet another night at Sakura that just gave us many reasons to come back. They know how to treat you well, the service is excellent. They wont come to you every 4th bite and ask how your food is. They would not buzz near your table to see all the time if you are done with your food, yet some how, they would clear the table and your mess without you knowing that they were watching. I loved the privacy you get when you know that people around you are just minding their own business in their soft spoken languages.

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Thank you Sakura. See you Soon !

when in lahore….

Last week, i was traveling within Pakistan, towards the northern areas and somewhat Punjab. I had posted a small blog about my Karahi experience in Abbottabad which was superb. you can find it here.

Day trip, Rawalpindi to Abbottabad, Desi Chicken Karahi & return !

My trip concluded in lahore, where i got the chance to have a Chinese lunch and Bashir-Dar-Almahi

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i will start with the Chinese. My selection was HSIN KUANG. Its located near MM Alam street, Off Main boulevard road. I think the are is called gulberg. It is a pretty decent place, and i have been going here for almost 20 years now.

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The food, the service, the interior. Nothing has changed. The music unlike many Chinese restaurants in Karachi that play, George Michael, Madonna, Celine Dion or Kenny G tunes, this one was all Chinese music.

Ordered the beef chilli dry, yes i know its my signature order. The special fried rice, chicken and mushroom noodle soup & chicken Manchurian.

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Beef chilli dry was average. but i was glad, it had pure beef. not like corn flour coated beef. This was somewhat thick & thins of beef slices mixed with seedless green chillies. Wok fried to perfection.

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The rice, well i did not like it so much as i was really looking forward to that noodle soup. And Oh, i loved it. not so spicy, it was chicken broth and lots of water, chicken thigh pieces, mushrooms, fresh veggies and noodles. It felt so traditional to eat. I ate the whole bowl, and when you are in Lahore, it is a must try. It was simple, yet so fresh and tasteful. Just like they have it in China. I can say this because i spend almost 30 days a year in China.

My second experience was a Desi one. Rahu Fish. and where else but to get it from. Bashir-Dar-Almahi. Located in the footsteps of Gaddafi Stadium. Hot friday afternoon, and we thought, well why not fish.

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2015-03-27 15.12.59

Absolutely wonderful, fresh & well balanced on the spices. A lot of oil there, but it was well worth it. The fish muscles and tissues, just separating themselves from each other tempting you to never stop. not too expensive either as you can see in the Price List.

Tawa Fry, is simple marination and sort of a Stir Fry. While the other is coated in gram flour (Besun) and then Deep Fried.

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I was experimenting with the slow-motion video making from my phone and here i can share a few of them from the trip and food. I also managed to make a slow mo video of a thunder in the clouds while i was in lahore.

check out my vimeo channel for that.